Helicobacter pylori was isolated from the specimens following standard microbiology procedures and isolates. Asteraceae is an aromatic, annual herb and cosmopolitan weed commonly known as billygoat weed or goat weed and is typically found. Extraction of the medicinal plants two 2 extracts were obtained from each of the medicinal plants namely. These species can be distinguished by the following differences. Terna berbau keras, berbatang tegak atau berbaring, berakar pada bagian yang menyentuh tanah, batang gilig dan berambut jarang, sering bercabangcabang, dengan satu atau banyak kuntum bunga majemuk yang terletak di ujung, tinggi hingga 120 cm. Antibacterial activity of an isolated compound ac1 from.
Unless otherwise noted all references are to duke, james a. Materials and method collection and preparation of plant materials fresh leaves and roots of ageratum conyzoides were collected from okposi inohaozara l. It is an invasive weed in africa, australia, southeast asia and the usa. Ageratum conyzoides an overview sciencedirect topics. This study was aimed at determining concentration of allelopathy ageratum conyzoides that suppresses growth of mustard. This document is hs25, one of a series of the horticultural sciences department, ufifas extension. Ponchang apollos wuyep1, hannatu dawa musa2, grace chiemeka ezemokwe1, davou dung nyam1 and michael davou silagyang1 1department of plant science and technology, faculty of natural sciences, university of jos, nigeria. The research was conducted in weeds laboratory and screen house agriculture faculty, university of syiah kuala, darussalam, banda aceh from december 2010 to february 2011. A wide range of chemical compounds including alkaloids, flavonoids, chromenes, benzofurans and terpenoids have been isolated from this species. Extracts and their antifungal activity against virulent aspergillus spp. Ageratum group had significantly fewer fibriblasts than the controls p ageratum extract and honey p conyzoides was injected intraperitonealy in wistar rats in doses of 25, 50, 100, 125, 150 mgkg.
Invitro antimicrobial activity of ageratum conyzoides. Antiaflatoxigenic and antioxidant activity of an essential oil from ageratum conyzoides l. Biology and management of tropical whiteweed ageratum. It can gain height up to 2 m in the shivalik hills dogra, 2008, in dogra et al. Daun bertangkai, letaknya saling berhadapan dan bersilang composite, helaian daun bulat telur dengan pangkal membulat dan ujung runcing, tepi bergerigi, panjang 1 10 cm, lebar 0,5 6 cm, kedua permukaan daun berambut panjang dengan. Blue billygoat weed ageratum houstonianum is often confused with another very similar species, billygoat weed ageratum conyzoides. Its antifungal activities have been reported adekunle, 2001. Tumbuhan ini di berbagai daerah indonesia memiliki nama yang berbeda antara lain di jawa disebut bandotan, di sumatera dikenal daun tombak, dan di madura disebut wedusan. Some species such as artemisia annua induced increase in ast and alt levels. Ageratum conyzoides adalah tumbuhan terna semusim yang berasal dari amerika tropik, tumbuh pada tanah kering atau lembab di daerah terbuka atau sedikit ternaung. Ageratum conyzoides is a annual growing to 1 m 3ft 3in.
Chloroform and methanol base extraction involved three major processes, using the continuous alcohol extraction method with. A compound ac1 has been isolated from the leaves of ageratum. Bandotan wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Ageratum conyzoides is an erect, herbaceous annual, 30 to 80 cm tall. Di laboratorium skripsi oleh nurhudiman fakultas pertanian universitas lampung bandar lampung 2017. This is an excerpt from weeds of hawaiis pastures and natural areas. A unique virus complex causes ageratum yellow vein disease. Evaluation of antioxidant activity of stem and flower. Mudah tersebar melalui biji yang ringan dan mempunyai papus. Asteraceae is an annual herbaceous plant with a long history of traditional medicinal uses in several countries of the world other synonymns of the plant include a. The leaf, stem, root, and flower of ageratum conyzoides was used to evaluate its chemical profile.
Hs25 biology and management of tropical whiteweed ageratum conyzoides in citrus groves1ramdas kanissery, brent sellers, and steve futch2 1. Daundaun bertangkai, 0,55 cm, terletak berseling atau berhadapan, terutama yang letaknya di bagian bawah. They combine with some biomolecules to neutralize activity and scavenging free radicals before they can cause damage within the body 21. Abstrak uji potensi daun babadotan ageratum conyzoides l. The studied samples showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids and some constituents of flavonoids, tannins, saponins, glycosides, resins, phenols, asphytochemicals whileproteins, carbohydrate and its reducing forms were present as. Tanaman ini mempunyai daya adaptasi yang tinggi, sehingga mudah tumbuh dimanamana dan. Sebagai insektisida botani terhadap hama p lutella xylostella l. The species is hermaphrodite has both male and female organs and is pollinated by insects.
Most begomoviruses have bipartite genomes dnas a and b, but only a dna a has been identified for ayvv. Thus, the study of the effects of ageratum conyzoides, medicinal plant, revealed a lethal dose ld 50 at 30,4mgkg mice weighing on average 25 grams. Windyka kusumaning putri 09330059 program studi pendidikan biologi jurusan pendidikan matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam. The studied plants include ageratum conyzoides, artemisia annua, aspilia africana, bidens pilosa, chromolaena odorata, felicia muricata, vernonia amygdalina. It only happens rarely and it is probably eaten mainly for its supposed medicinal benefits by nursing mothers who believe it helps to increase their milk flow. Chemical profilesof leaf, stem, root and flower of. The macerated of ageratum conyzoides administered to used rabbits weighing on average 2 kg. Ageratum conyzoides was found to be one of the most common invasive plant species in himachal pradesh province in northwestern india, and was one of three species that has displaced native flora and reduced their abundance to such an extent that they. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the university of south florida and other herbaria. Tinjauan pustaka tanaman bandotan ageratum conyzoides linn. Ageratum conyzoides goatweed, tropical whiteweed pfaf. Ageratum conyzoides is an annual branching herb which grows to approximately 1 m in height. The present study evaluates the antimicrobial activity of fractionated extracts of ageratum conyzoides in a bid to isolate the active constituents of the plant with antihelicobacter pylori activity.
Botany ageratum is derived from the greek a geras, meaning nonaging, referring to the longevity of the flowers or the whole plant. This study reports for the first time on the use of ethanolic extract of ageratum conyzoides in women with breast myiasis. The pharmacological significance of the chemical composition has been discussed. A tropical source of medicinal and agricultural products lin chau ming ageratum conyzoides l. The overall toxicological profile reveals that, plants species from this family are relatively safe. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of gras herbs and other economic plants. The atlas of florida plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. It is in leaf from may to october, in flower from july to september. Daerah penyebarannya meliputi 02100 m di atas muka laut, berbunga sepanjang tahun. Toxicity of leaf extracts of ageratum conyzoides to. The plant originated from central america and is now found in all american countries jaccoud, 1961.
Issued as a pdf on the internet, it contains basic information on over 250 species of plants used for food in benin. Abstract the insecticidal activity of the hexane and alcohol extracts of the plants ocimum selloi b. This study reports for the first time on the use of ethanolic extract of ageratum conyzoides. Asteraceae as a therapeutic measure in the treatment of breast myiasis sores in rural women and associated bacteria. A total of fifty rural women were examined ages 1862 years old and 17. Ageratum juga ditemukan di beberapa negara di daerah tropis dan subtropis, termasuk brasil. It is considered a it is considered a serious or principal weed in over 20 countries by holm et al. Antioxidant and anticancer study of ageratum cornyzoides aqueous extracts. Efektivitas ekstrak daun bandotan ageratum conyzoides l. Ageratum conyzoides is widely utilized in traditional medicine hence several pharmacological investigation has been conducted to determine efficacy kamboj and ajay, 2008. Ageratum conyzoides is primarily a weed of disturbed areas and agricultural lands. The specific epithet conyzoides is derived from konyz, the greek name of inula helenium, which it resembles kissmann and groth 1993.
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